[ 旅思 THOUGHTS — 2. 飛行冒險家The Flying Adventurer]

Elli Chung
5 min readOct 14, 2020
Pilot Captain Bill Lancaster, Mrs. Lancaster and Mrs Chubbie Miller before taking off from England for Australia.
Pilot Captain Lancaster, Mrs. Lancaster and Co-Pilot Mrs. Miller before take-off from England for Australia


This kiss, was a blessing sent from a wife to a husband; This same kiss, however, was a goodbye sent from the other way around. What he freed himself from was not family, nor gravity. It was mediocre. What had begun was not only adventure, but a journey of love, hatred, sarcasm and tragedies.

沒有人能阻止Bill Lancaster踏上探險一途。空軍退役後,一心想闖出名堂的Bill決定成為第一位駕駛小飛機從英國飛往澳洲的飛行員。在一場社交派對上,Bill認識了從澳洲來英國的Chubbie。一心想回澳洲的她和Bill提議,讓她協助籌措這趟旅程的資金,但要帶她一起飛行。沒錯,Chubbie,正是照片裡的那位co-pilot。

Nobody could ever stop Bill Lancaster from going on adventures. After leaving the air force, he decided to gain himself a reputation by being the first to fly from England to Australia. At a social event, Bill met Chubbie, an Australian lady who got stuck in England and wished to go back. She suggested that she help find the funding for the trip, in exchange for the opportunity to fly back. The fund raising went quite smoothly. Hence, Chubbie earned herself that co-pilot seat.


The journey, however, didn’t turn out to be as smooth as expected. The function constraint of the small aircraft had turned the weather condition and technical problems into their biggest “drag”. Sometimes, they had to risk landing at unknown places. In order to accelerate the entire progress, Bill taught Chubbie how to fly in the middle of the journey. She fell in love with flying and had been an outstanding female pilot later on in her life. The difficulties and obstacles along with the thrill and excitement had connected the two in the strongest way, ignited the sparks…but also planted a tragic seed.


The goal of the adventure was unfortunately being surpassed by another aviator on the way. Bill was no longer entitled to be the first ever person to fly from England to Australia. Yet, Chubbie became the first female to achieve this record. Later on, a Hollywood film production wanted to make their story into a film, so they left Australia for America. Regretfully, the film was never made. To make a living, Bill went flying “cargo” planes in Mexico. On the other side, Chubbie met an emerging writer who claimed to be capable of drafting biography for the two. They agreed on splitting the royalties once published.


Chubbie had divorced her husband right when she made her way back to Australia. Bill, however, had never initiated any separation with his family. Flying work made Bill stay out of the country most of the time. Chubbie started to have more intimate bond with the writer. She wrote to Bill who was out in Mexico at the time about her decision on getting married to the writer as she no longer wanted to suffer from the wait. Bill came back to the States right when he got the news to talk her down. The same night, a gunshot broke through the silence in the bedroom where the writer stayed. The writer was shot dead. Bill became the primary suspect and faced a murder charge. To prevent Bill from being sentenced to death on an electric chair, Chubbie made a statement at court (possibly a perjury), claiming that the writer had mental illness and had intended to suicide many times before. Bill was acquitted. They were both sent back to England afterwards and had not crossed path ever since.

Bill回到了原本的妻小身邊,但那想要扳回自己名聲的欲望,在心底蠢蠢欲動。於是,他計畫打破從英國到南非最短飛行時間的紀錄。經費有限的情況下,他買了Avro Avian Southern Cross Minor ,一架性能稱不上最迅速的飛機,他必須減短航程間的休息時間才能達標。1933年4月11日,Bill從英國啟程。初始的迷路拖延到了預定目標,加上疲勞駕駛使他判斷力下降,在12號時,引擎故障,他迫降於荒蕪的撒哈拉沙漠。Bill的飛機失去信號後,Chubbie希望可以啟程去尋找Bill,她總覺得,作為一個了解Bill的人,一定能幫上什麼忙。無奈Bill的家人反對以及輿論的評判,最終未得成行。

Bill returned to his wife and family, temporarily. That calling at the bottom of his heart about going on adventure, about having reputation, about being free had become louder each day. He then decided to be the fastest one to fly from England to South Africa. With budget constraint, he could only purchased Avro Avian Southern Cross Minor, an aircraft with a rather low speed performance. To achieve the goal, he had to minimise ground resting time. On April 11, 1993, Bill departed from England. Due to getting lost at early phase, he was couple hours behind planned schedule. Long hours of flying had deteriorated his judgement, that on the 12th, when he experienced an engine failure, he failed to react and crashed in the middle of Sahara. After losing Bill on the radar, Chubbie offered to fly and help search for Bill, but it was turned down by his family. Public opinion had been a huge setback for Chubbie as well. The offer was called off in the end.

奇蹟似地,Bill並沒有受太多的傷亡,但飛機已經毀損,無法飛行,而更漫長的,是等待救援的日子。一天天過去,Bill反思著自己的人生,從英國到澳洲、從威風的Avro Avian Red Rose到為五斗米折腰的走私機、從充滿希望的南非之旅到前途茫茫的撒哈拉,他數著日出與日落,直到他對飛行的熱情、急於創舉的魄力,在缺水而死的那刻,被沙漠的無情地吞噬。

Miraculously, the crash didn’t injure Bill that much. The aircraft, yet, was very much just a pile of wreckage. The days of waiting for the rescue had never been longer. Day by day, Bill thought of his life and jotted down thoughts on his diary. From England to Australia, from flying Red Rose with pride to secretly smuggling in Mexico, from having a motivation in breaking records to crash landing in Sahara…the only ray of hope he could count on at the moment was from someone he didn’t even know. All of his passion for flying and record breaking had all been smothered the moment he died of thirst.


The remains of him and the aircraft were only found 29 years later. Lying next to the left wing was a diary printed with his will and regrets. Most lines were about Chubbie. On one page, on one hopeful day, he wrote down: “I’m still listening for the noise of an engine, it would sound like a music to me now”. Little did he know that the next dawn was no longer his to appreciate. After Bill’s death, Chubbie had never flown again.

Bill Lancaster或許沒留下過人紀錄,或許他造成的破壞多餘貢獻,但,他勇於嘗試的精神,橫衝直撞的熱情與韌性,十足展現了一位飛行員的魅力。

Bill Lancaster may have not left many outstanding records, and maybe the destruction he caused were far more than his contribution, yet his courage of trying and the belief he held onto in adversity had proven him to be a charismatic aviator.


Perhaps this is the magical influence of flying on people? My heart fills with envy every time inbound crew walks into our office to submit documents. I envy how they are still part of the sky, and I wonder about their opinion on flying during pandemic. Do they feel safe? Do they feel inspired like before? Though sometimes they still complained about feeling exhausted, but the capability of lifting your own self and leading your own path must be beyond words. I miss the spectacular geography I saw through the observation window, and I miss the moment of feeling so insignificant before the mother nature. During break time, I accompanied my senior down to the smoking area on the ground floor. It is an outdoor stall-like area right in front of the apron, where you get to see aircraft cargo’s loading in progress. Not very far from here lies the runway. The noise of the engines from take-off was carried by the autumn wind and flew toward our direction. Ahh, it really sounded just like a music to me. When the pandemic becomes more under control, and when everything returns to normal, I will remind myself with Bill’s stories. I want to be as brave as him in aviation, and I hope to start off a journey like him, like a deep down adventurer.



Elli Chung

Wanderer, traveler, songwriter, a familiar stranger. Hope my words trigger your next adventure. 游離者 • 旅行者 • 創作者 • 熟悉的陌生人,一些旅行思緒,希望促成你的下一場冒險。ellicmusic@gmail.com